Magnetic Acupuncture Helps Children Manage Post-Op Pain

A recent study has found that magnets on acupuncture points help children better manage post-operative pain. The children in the study were randomised to 3 groups. One with the real magnetic acupuncture (MA), the second with pretend magnets on the effective acupuncture points (placebo), and the third with no magnets. They all had surgery to remove their appendix and the difference in outcome was significant.

The children with MA needed less ibuprofen type pain relief after surgery, and not one requested more help to manage their pain from a morphine type medication; in contrast to children in the other two groups.

This is great news, as MA is incredibly safe and non-invasive. It is also brilliantly child-friendly, as children can learn to put the magnets on and take them off independently.

If your child has an operation or medical procedure coming up and you’d be interested in learning how to manage pain with MA, please get in touch.



A randomized, placebo-controlled study of magnetic acupuncture for supplementary analgesia after laparoscopic appendectomy in children. J Pediatr Surg. 2023 Jan;58(1):64-69.

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