Postnatal Care

Helping you to recover, physically and emotionally, by easing anxiety, re-establishing hormone balance, strengthening your pelvic floor and stomach muscles, and more.

This gentle, effective treatment is a good option postnatally, and I am always so happy when I get to give a Nurturing Mother Treatment in the first few weeks post birth, to encourage your uterus to contract, strengthen your pelvic floor and stomach muscles, and help your hormones settle into a new rhythm. This is a treatment that your tiny new baby is welcome to attend. Babies tend to sleep through treatment lying on mummy, or are happy for me to hold them if I stay close to mum.

Postnatal Acupuncture is also a good option if your stomach muscles have a little way to go in knitting back together, and can help restore good core strength even years after birth. In fact there are a number of common pregnancy conditions that don’t always resolve quickly post birth that can benefit, like sciatica, pubis symphysis pain, and vulval varicose veins.

Birth is an extraordinary event in a woman’s life, and with so much joy focused on their newborn baby, it can be easy for women to put off caring for their emotional and physical recovery, and yet babies and families are so much happier when mum feels like herself – pain free, calm, and rested. So I encourage you to ask me about Postnatal Acupuncture if you would like to understand how treatment might help you.


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Women’s Health & Fertility Acupuncture, Fulford, York YO10

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